Let’s Talk: Why Public Transport Must Embrace Additive Manufacturing

In May we hosted a meeting with Berlin Public transport Company BVG, where we explored many exciting ideas and potential projects. One key takeaway was the strong need right now of an open, collaborative environment within the Public Transport sector!  

Sharing success stories, challenges, ideas, models and experiences is exactly what we need to advance the Public Transport Sector with Additive Manufacturing together. 

MGA has a solid background in rail with many years of experience in transportation, thanks also to our RAILiability and Approval in Rail Working Groups, and we’re proud to have Siemens, Alstom and many others as members, contributing their extensive expertise. We believe the knowledge gained from rail can greatly benefit various public transport components, enabling smooth and benchmark-setting implementations. 

We’re calling on all of you—members and non-members alike—to help us connect with those interested in driving the Public Transport Industry forward with the implementation of Additive Manufacturing at Industrial Level!  

Don’t hesitate to contact us or Dr. Sven Fritzsche if you would like to learn more. 


Our Annual Meeting and Women in AM Summit 2024

As the leading European network for industrial additive manufacturing, our goal is to boost AM and its implementation at an industrial level. We believe in the power of connection and knowledge sharing to jointly advance 3D printing technology.

That’s why we’re excited to invite you all – members and non-members – to our Annual Meeting 2024. It’s a fantastic chance for our member companies and anyone interested to meet up and learn about the latest industry developments. You can expect plenty of networking opportunities alongside informative talks, panel discussions, and workshops!

Event Details

Women in AM Summit Before we dive into the Annual Meeting on October 9th, we’ll kick things off with the Women in AM Summit on October 8th. Organized in cooperation with Women in 3D Printing, the summit provides a relaxed environment for networking, learning, and inspiration. You can look forward to insightful talks and unique activities like coaching sessions. From sustainability in 3D printing, customer excellence, and industry standards to the AM landscape in Europe and even fashion – there’ll be a mix of topics all approached from the female perspective. It’s a great opportunity for women in the industry to celebrate achievements, share knowledge, and foster mentorship among each other.

Annual Meeting 2024 On the afternoon of the 8th, we invite all of our guests to come together for the meetings of our Mobility and Medical divisions, which will offer a deep dive into sector-specific issues and innovations. After that, the biannual General Assembly takes place, where the board and our members will reflect on the achievements of the past year and set the agenda for the future. In the evening, we are happy to once again host the 3D Evening Event – come dance, drink & dine with us in the historic atmosphere of Marienpark! This evening is dedicated to networking – so share a drink, forge new connections, and discuss the latest trends in AM.

On the 9th, you can expect a day of presentations, panel discussions, and workshops on a wide range of topics, from cutting-edge technology in AM to its diverse applications across industries. In the Working Group Pitches, you’ll hear from the leaders of our Working Groups about their current projects and future plans, showcasing the collaborative efforts driving innovation within MGA. The Interactive Workshops offer practical insights and provide a great opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of AM.

Agenda Highlights at the Annual Meeting 2024

  • Dealing with China: Gain insights from an expert who established the European business for Farsoon, the largest Chinese 3D printing machine manufacturer. This session will explore the challenges and opportunities of working with China in the additive manufacturing space.
  • Focus on Defence: Learn about the integration of additive manufacturing in European armies’ technology roadmaps. Martin Huber from the European Defence Agency and a representative from Saab will discuss strategic goals and advancements in defence technology.
  • Political Panel: Follow a political panel featuring representatives from state, federal, and EU economic ministries and commissions, discussing the future directions and support for the additive manufacturing industry.

How to Attend? Head over to our website at MGA Events to grab your ticket today!

We look forward to seeing you there!

What is happening in our Working Groups?

Summer holidays are always a great time to relax and prepare for an exciting new period of events and developments in AM – and especially for the busy autumn with lots of events such as the EHFAM, our MGA Annual Meeting, the InnoTrans and Formnext waiting just around the corner. At MGA, we couldn’t let a month go by without a little chat with our members to share insights on our Working Groups’ current topics. Our dedicated Working Group members work hard to achieve exciting results to advance our industry.

So, let’s see what they have been up to and what’s on their agenda:


August 7th and 28th

Digital Supply Chain

Digital Supply Chain (DSC), our most digital Working Group, began by mapping out the supply chain and addressing special requirements for Use Cases. Currently, we are developing a comprehensive and holistic AM-Decision-Tree to help companies implement AM correctly and identify solutions and services that fit their specific situations and challenges.

To make user stories conclusions visible in our AM-Decision-Tree, we will be meeting twice in the month of August to implement the necessary adjustments as more and more steps of the production process are being digitalized in the conventional supply chains.


August 20th


After our June meeting in Paris at the SNCF, the seven European rail companies members of MGA are meeting again virtually this August. We have already printed ten-thousands spare parts for their rolling stock. One of the goals of the RAILiability Working Group is to provide a constant increase in the exchange of 3D-printed spare parts between users.

This month’s meeting will follow up on our efforts in developing use cases, materials, and technologies that enable new applications in the market.


August 21st


There is no way around one of the biggest players in the medical sector when it comes to implementing AM in the daily business. Which is why we initiated the Hospitals Working Group, focused on the needs of physicians, nurses, technicians and the administrations of Hospitals around the globe. In the coming meeting, the team leads will provide an update on the current status of the multicentre study, including data collection progress, preliminary findings, and any challenges encountered. The discussion will also cover strategies for enhancing collaboration between the participating centres and plans for future phases of the study, such as expanding the pool of participating hospitals or adjusting methodologies based on early insights.


August 26th

Approval in Rail

Several years ago, the Working Group Approval obtained official approval from German state authorities for the first safety-relevant component for a rail traffic system.

Now, we are heading for approval at the European level to raise awareness among the authorities and are happy to announce that we are about to reach our expected result. Parallelly, we are working on creating a guideline for the computational verification of PBF/LB-parts in the DIGIZug3D Project.

We will be meeting again this August to finalize the last steps of the approval procedure.


August 27th


The pharmaceutical industry is one of the few sectors already using AM in various capacities: from printing spare parts for machines to printing format parts and even printing medicine – the potential is huge. It therefore makes sense to offer pharmaceutical companies and their suppliers a neutral ground to further develop the impact of AM in pharmaceutics. This next meeting will focus on evaluating potential new projects within the pharmaceutics division. The team will consider various options, weighing factors such as market demand, innovation potential, and resource allocation. The goal is to identify and prioritize the most promising projects for future development.


August 28th

Medical Approval

Approval processes in the Medical field – whether for materials, parts or processes – are even more complicated than in other industry fields. Which we as patients are grateful for, but as providers and users of AM find more than just a small challenge. That is why our Medical Approval Working Group divides the workload and for example jointly tackles the Medical Device Regulation (MDR). In the coming meeting, we will review and discuss the latest updates regarding the MDR Annex I and Annex II. We will cover regulatory changes, compliance issues, and any new guidelines or standards being introduced. Participants will also be able to address any outstanding questions or concerns and ensure alignment on the next steps for implementation or further development.


September 2nd


The defence sector is on everyone’s mind at the moment, given the numerous global crises happening at the moment. More and more AM companies are involving themselves in printing for military endeavours, but gaining a foot in and understanding the industry is challenging. After a successful workshop as well as two in-person meetings focusing for example on legal aspects of AM in defence, our Working Group is meeting next to discuss the future topics and projects. Get involved now to pitch your ideas, projects and specific needs! There will also be a discussion on the next in-person meeting at the end of the year at a global defence player. We will be leaving room for private discussions after the meeting.


September 3rd


Our Aero + Space Working Group meetings are dedicated to aviation and aerospace manufacturing. While in the past, those meetings were strictly theoretical, we are now offering the chance to take a look behind the curtains at one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world: come and join us at Airbus in Stade, including a tour of the Airbus production line, a visit to the 3DHub Lab and insights into Additive Manufacturing at the CTC GmbH and Airbus. The deadline for registration is August 16th, you can confirm your attendance by contacting Linus Tillmann. We look forward to meeting you at Airbus!


September 5th

Ecological Sustainability

Ecological Sustainability worked on a white paper to answer the most common questions: where and why 3D printing is sustainable. We also invite keynote speakers to our Working Group to present their latest innovations in the sustainability field.

This August we will continue our discussion in a virtual meeting, to proceed with our scouting for the next Working Group project to develop. You can contact Jan Dittmann if you would like to join us for a greener future!

Pitching Contest – the 3D Printing in Life Sciences Award Basel 2024

The 3D Printing in Life Sciences Award Basel 2024 invites researchers – students, doctoral candidates, post-docs, and scientific staff – to showcase their innovative projects in the life sciences field. This contest focuses on the transformative potential of 3D printing in medical and scientific applications.


Contest Details

Whether your project is newly developed or already published, we invite you to participate. You can present individually or as part of a team. Each entry should be summarized in a three-minute pitch using up to three PowerPoint slides. This is a great chance to share your work with a wide audience, including industry professionals and fellow researchers.


How to Enter:

  • Abstract Deadline: August 19, 2024
  • Format: Up to 350 words, including up to two figures
  • Submission Email: info@ehfam.eu


A panel of judges will select the top 10 submissions, and these finalists will present their projects at the symposium on September 6, 2024. Finalists must submit their presentation slides by September 2, 2024, in PowerPoint format (16:9, max 12MB).


Judging Criteria

The presentations will be judged on:

  1. Innovation: How unique and original is the project?
  2. Impact: What potential or demonstrated benefits does it have for the life sciences?
  3. Presentation Quality: How clearly and engagingly is the project presented?


Audience members will vote for their favorite pitches, and the top three will receive the “3D Printing in Life Sciences Award Basel 2024”.


Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission: August 19, 2024
  • Finalist Notification: August 26, 2024
  • Final Presentation Submission: September 2, 2024
  • Pitch Event: September 6, 2024


This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your research in 3D printing for life sciences. Find more information at 3D Printing in Life Sciences Award Basel 2024. If you’re interested in participating, please send your abstract to info@ehfam.eu. We look forward to seeing your innovative ideas!


MGA across Europe – From Belgium to Hungary to Paris and Germany

The MGA network brings together companies from all over the world (and mostly Europe), and one of our goals is to promote collaborations while pursuing valuable projects for our members and the industry.

Let’s recap some of the highlights of our most recent trips across Europe:


At the end of May, we joined the yearly European Lightweighting Network (ELN) meeting, organized by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and six European ministries of economics. This event gathers representatives from ministries, the EU Commission, and committed associations and companies to focus on European initiatives, political guidelines, and funding programs. MGA had the  honour of speaking on stage to present our network. We also learned about the launch of a Europe-wide EUREKA funding program. One key takeaway has been the reminder of potential of Additive Manufacturing in providing a sustainable, resource-efficient, and lighter production. For example, AM in construction can save up to 94% of weight and material, as demonstrated by our member of the Advisory Board,/Sonja Rasch, from Materialise, resulting in reduced emissions and resource use, contributing significantly to sustainability.

METAL 3D – Budapest, Hungary

Our Managing Director, Stefanie Brickwede, attended the second TechTra (our newest MGA member) meeting on Metal 3D printing in Budapest, Hungary in mid-June. The future of metal additive manufacturing looks promising, thanks to collaborations with companies like RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, AMEXCI, EOS, Saab, and Knorr-Bremse AG. The focus was on exploring the potential of DED processes in metal, including a presentation by Oskar Viklund from Saab about their battle damage repair experience during the AM Village organized by the European Defense Agency. MGA is also supporting the creation of a 3D printing hub with the Hungarian Ministry of Economic Affairs. It’s exciting to see the German railway supplier Knorr-Bremse AG establish successful metal AM production in Budapest.

MEDTECLIVE – Stuttgart, Germany

Additionally, our medical team attended MedtecLIVE 2024 in Stuttgart, where we had the privilege of presenting the work of our network on stage. Shiden Yohannes from our member Formlabs showcased the possibilities of medical 3D printing with creative examples from across Europe. In the discussions that followed, we were impressed by the dedication of those driving AM forward. It was also a pleasure to connect with both new faces and long-time members over a drink. Staying connected and up to date with the latest developments in the fast-moving AM industry is one of our core missions, and MedtecLIVE 2024 was a valuable platform for this. Thanks for having us! We look forward to diving deeper into Medical AM at our EHFAM event in Basel on September 6 – 7, 2024.

RAILIABILITY Working Group Meeting – Paris, France

In addition to our monthly virtual exchanges, we held our biannual face-to-face RAILiability working group meeting this June in Paris at the SNCF. Our 7 European railway providers discussed the use of metal binder jetting in the rail sector, standardized calculation bases and ecological sustainability factors for Deutsche Bahn’s printed parts, and a color standard for printed tooling applications. We also explored new applications like an emergency stop button in the driver’s cab and innovative uses such as Wabtec Corporation’s printed train door. The diverse range of technologies, materials, and applications in the railway sector were highlighted, with more countries like the Netherlands integrating additive manufacturing into new train tenders. We are already looking forward to the next physical meeting, during Formnext – Where ideas take shape in Frankfurt and of course during the Annual Meeting of our network on October 8 – 9 in Berlin!

Advancing Healthcare with Additive Manufacturing through Research, Practice and Implementation

We are pleased to announce the successor to the AM Medical Days in Berlin: the European Healthcare Forum for Additive Manufacturing (EHFAM) together with the Symposium on 3D Printing for Life Sciences (3dp Basel). The event is organised by MGA in cooperation with the University Hospital Basel and the FHNW Muttenz and will continue to promote and strengthen the dialogue in the field of medical additive manufacturing.


Event Details:

  • Dates: September 6th and 7th, 2024
  • Location: FHNW-Campus Muttenz, Basel, Switzerland


Registration and Additional Information:

For the registration please visit ehfam.eu!


Sponsoring & Partnerships:

We offer exciting sponsoring and partnership opportunities designed to boost visibility and engagement within the industry. We’re also happy to discuss customized solutions tailored to specific needs.

For any questions or requests, contact us at info@ehfam.eu or reach out to our colleagues Naomi Nathan and Sophie Poser.


About the event:

Additive Manufacturing has transformed various sectors, notably healthcare, by enabling the production of customised products and rapid innovation in medical devices, prosthetics, and bio-printed tissues. However, integrating AM into European healthcare faces challenges due to evolving regulations and the need for standardised policies to ensure safety, efficacy, and quality.

Europe leads in adopting regulatory measures for emerging technologies, but AM’s rapid advancement requires ongoing dialogue and regulatory adaptation. The 3dp Basel and EHFAM aim to facilitate crucial discussions on integrating AM technologies into European healthcare. The event will serve as a critical platform for key stakeholders to collaborate and navigate the complexities of integrating AM into mainstream healthcare practices and will:

  • Address regulatory challenges and drive innovation
  • Showcase practical applications and real-world impacts of AM
  • Establish standards for safety and efficacy
  • Strengthen collaboration between academia, industry, and regulatory bodies


The Symposium on 3D Printing for Life Sciences (3dp Basel) will focus on bioprinting, the medical device industry, 3D printing at the point of care in hospitals, and a pitching contest for 3D printing in life sciences. The European Healthcare Forum for AM (EHFAM) will examine the potential for synergistic approaches, practice, and policy. It will also address pricing, reimbursement, and quality assurance strategies, as well as practical applications and the impacts on public healthcare systems. In addition, it will promote innovation and collaboration in line with EU health policies and enhance patient involvement through education and awareness.

We look forward to welcoming you to Switzerland this September!


MGA’s experience at AM Village!

MGA participated in the AM village in Tournai, Belgium, organised by the European Defence Agency. This provided an ideal opportunity to gain insights into 3D printing applications within the armed forces, understand individual needs, and explore recent trends in additive manufacturing. It has been an extremely positive and inspiring experience, especially for the new approach focused on the spread of knowledge and ideas between people and nations.

The workshops and demonstrations demonstrated the impact of AM technology on military logistics and repairs, offering deployable solutions tailored to specific missions. It was enlightening to observe the latest advancements and practical applications of AM in real-world military scenarios. Every technique and approach was valuable, particularly the diverse methods from different nations, including a live-printed concrete shelter dedicated to the Forces’ protection, by Constructions-3D.

Sven had the opportunity to present at the AM Village Workshop alongside our member, WiWeb from the Bundeswehr, and the EWF (European Welding Foundation), Idonial and DTI. The session focused on qualifying the AM workforce, with a particular emphasis on fostering a strong foundation in AM knowledge and skills development. Discussions included our educational catalog, the Bundeswehr’s training approach, and how industrial training programs can be adapted to military requirements. Furthermore, we had a productive conversation about integrating these aspects into the Bundeswehr’s workforce development strategy.

As Mobility Goes Additive, we were encouraged to see so many of our members actively participating and contributing to the discussions. The visit by the Belgian Defence Minister Ludivine Dedonder underlined the high importance of this event, and we were pleased with Belgium as the host nation for such precise organisation, as well as with Martin Huber for organising this one-of-a-kind event. The AM Village demonstrated the value of connections and collaborative opportunities, emphasising the importance of industry and military cooperation.

We look forward to future collaborations and advancements in this exciting field! Please do not hesitate to contact Sven to learn more about the topic.

Looking back at Rapid.Tech 3D

We had an incredible time at the 20th anniversary of Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3D in Erfurt, the future-oriented pioneering event of the AM scene! It was the perfect place to discover new innovative solutions and celebrate industry advancements.

First of all, on May 14th we celebrated the 9th edition of the 3D Pioneers Challenge award ceremony, a competition that brings together the sharpest minds and most creative solutions in additive manufacturing, across various categories. Every year, it becomes more global and diverse, and this year was no exception! Moreover, it was an honor for MGA to be part of the jury. Stefanie Brickwede and Naomi Nathan not only contributed to the selection of the winners, but also to the presentation of the awards in the Medical Technology and Machinery categories. We would like to give a big shoutout to all participants for their amazing ideas, huge congratulations to this year’s winners, as well as a heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this year’s edition!

The excitement didn’t stop there. On May 15th, we joined the European AM Platform Meeting, where our managing director, Stefanie Brickwede, had the opportunity to present our network on stage. The AM-platform serves as a free virtual hub for all topics related to Additive Manufacturing in Central Europe. The objective is to foster a cohesive strategy, understanding, and utilization of AM technologies. By aligning with the Lisbon and Gothenburg objectives set by the European Commission, the aim is to drive the AM industry towards becoming the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy by 2030 while also promoting sustainability.

Overall, it was a great opportunity to attend exciting presentations and exhibitions, and to connect with industry experts, exchange knowledge, and contribute to the future of 3D printing. We are already looking forward to next year’s edition that will take place from 13 to 15 May 2025!

Discover the IAM HUB Berlin – Coworking Space for Additive Manufacturing at Marienpark

We are happy to announce that we are now renting out our IAM HUB Berlin – a comfortable coworking space dedicated to Additive Manufacturing (AM) located in the historic Marienpark!

Berlin boasts many office spaces, but if you want to immerse yourself in the heart of AM activities, our IAM HUB is the perfect spot. Designed to inspire and foster innovation, it offers a unique setting where you can develop products and projects alongside like-minded professionals.
What sets our IAM HUB apart is the diverse and extensive exhibition within the office. Featuring 3D printed parts from various industries and produced using cutting-edge technologies and materials, our office showcases the latest advancements in AM. At MGA, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of innovation, and we are confident that the IAM HUB will provide the necessary atmosphere for creativity and inspiration.

What You Can Expect at the IAM HUB:

💻 10 coworking desks equipped with state-of-the-art monitors and power outlets
🗣️ Meeting rooms accommodating up to 8 people
☕ Cozy lounge and lunch areas
🚰 Amenities including water, coffee, and tea
🍳 A fully equipped kitchen
🌐 Proximity to and close cooperation with the extensive MGA network
🖨️ Access to various printers
🖼️ Exhibition of 3D printed use cases

The IAM HUB Berlin is more than just a coworking space; it’s a community. By joining us, you’ll be at the centre of a network dedicated to advancing AM technologies. The collaborative environment and access to a wealth of resources will empower you to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the AM field.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a vibrant community at the forefront of additive manufacturing. Contact us today to learn more and to secure your spot at the IAM HUB Berlin. Let’s boost Additive Manufacturing together!

Highlights from the 2024 MGA-VDI Student Competition

The MGA-VDI Student Competition 2024 is over and it has been the largest and most successful instalment of this competition so far!
At EOS in Krailingen, one of the largest machine producers of Additive Manufacturing in the world, the 2024 MGA-VDI Student Competition brought together 13 interdisciplinary teams from universities across Germany and Switzerland, for 3 days.
Under the 2024 banner of Advanced Robotics, introduced by Professor Helge Wurdemann, a robotics expert from the University College of London, the students embarked on a new challenge: within just 48 hours they had to conceptualize and present a use case, together with a business plan, on the topic of robotics utilising the power of AM.

The event kicked off with a warm welcome from Marie Langer, CEO of EOS, setting the atmosphere for collaboration and innovation. Therefore, the weekend was filled with a lot of innovative discussions, not just within the teams, but also between our jurors during working hours, but also in the networking breaks for lunch and dinner. Additional inspiration came from the WIWeB (Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut für Werk- und Betriebsstoffe Erding of the Bundeswehr).

In fact, despite the tight timeframe, the results have exceeded expectations: Innovative Use Cases were created within the short time frame and some of the pitches given to the jury on Sunday rivalled those given by Start-Ups in front of investors.
All teams, some being there for the second or third time, came up with great ideas and well-funded documentation. Our jury had a very hard time choosing the winners, but in the heat of competition, “Pro Play Analytics” from Universität Innsbruck secured the first prize with their elaborate robotic golf trainer, easily wearable just as a sleeve. The team not only produced an innovative solution but backed their idea up with a solid business plan and marketing strategy. Not far behind came “GC3D-STL”, from the Berufsakademie Sachsen Staatliche Studienakademie Glauchau, with an innovative idea to re-make robotic arms, making them lighter and more adaptable. The third place was secured by “4Paws4Comfort”, from the University Innsbruck, thanks to their robotic prothesis for men’s best friends: dogs.

We want to dedicate a moment to thank all the people that contributed to make this event a success:

  • the jurors Marc Fette, Linus Tillmann, Bianca Daiminger, Sascha Hartig & Patrick Gerhardt for mentoring (and evaluating) the teams;
  • our hosts Jette Dietrich, Mariella Breinlinger, Lea Markievicz for hosting our nearly 100 people strong event at their premisses and also for printing the medals for our winners;
  • our sponsors Autodesk, Airbus, Composite Technology Center / CTC GmbH (An Airbus Company), WIWeB, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg and FFT Produktionssysteme GmbH & Co.KG for supporting the students not just on site, but also with great insights;
  • the team facilitating on-site printing, Jannis Eckhoff, Eugen Musienko, Vincent Adomat, Maryam Ahanpanjeh, Florian Fuchs – without their help, printing the prototypes would not have been possible;
  • PROTIQ for the 3D printed pens distributed to our students;
  • And last but not least, thanks to the VDI e.V. and Nina Teßmer and Simon Jäckel for organizing the three-day marathon and hosting not just the students but also all the partners.

Looking ahead, mark your calendars for April 11-13, 2025, as the competition moves to Airbus premises in Stade. Help us find the future masterminds of AM, support the next generation and join us for another chapter in the journey of Additive Manufacturing innovation!