• Expanding Horizons: Embracing Specialized Machinery in Additive Manufacturing

    Our Vehicles + Machines Working Group is reshaping its focus to include specialized machinery, fostering collaboration and innovation in 3D printing. We are reaching out for all specialized machineries manufacturers!

    Our members are driven by innovation and constantly seeking new paths to push the boundaries of Additive Manufacturing. Recently, we have embarked on an exciting journey, transitioning our Vehicles + Machines Working Group from automotive to a broader spectrum, including specialized machinery, to unite industry players and foster a collaborative environment rich in innovation.

    We believe that by bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, we can collectively address challenges and unlock new possibilities in 3D printing. We’re addressing manufacturers. These sectors present unique challenges and opportunities, with a demand for high standards such as food safety, corrosion resistance, and specialized functionalities. For instance, candy production machineries are incredibly sophisticated, with only a handful produced annually, highlighting the need for precision and expertise in their manufacturing.

    While our focus may have broadened from the automotive sector, our commitment to advancing AM stands firm. Therefore, we are excited to announce our upcoming Vehicles & Machines Working Group meeting on the 4th of June, where once again we will offer an unbiased environment where ideas flow freely, and collaborations flourish.
    Thanks to our Working Group, we have the chance to drive towards our collective goals and aspirations at MGA premises, but not only. To provide the right environment for development, we often visit members’ premises, to learn more about their advancements and share new projects and ideas. Last time we visited Mann+Hummel, a leading company in filter production, further expanding our knowledge base and inspiration.

    Join us on this journey as we redefine the possibilities of Additive Manufacturing, one specialized machinery at a time. Don’t hesitate to contact Sven Fritzsche for more information!