Working Group

Ecological Sustainability

Assesses the ecological impact of additive manufacturing parts and establishes qualification principles.

New technologies are exposed to the most critical eyes and the demand for information on ecological effects of Additive Manufacturing is increasing. We at MGA believe in the huge potential of AM to contribute to the green transformation of all industries towards a circular economy.

This includes topics like the carbon footprint, energy consumption, waste reduction, the reuse of valuable materials and the recycling of unavoidable waste.

Our Mission: Focusing on concrete facts and figures to correctly evaluate the ecological potential of Additive Manufacturing and assess neutrally and unbiased how green this technology in relation to other manufacturing technologies is. Additionally, the Working Group develops approaches in materials, technologies and business models to improve the ecological impact of AM processes and technologies.

Dr.-Ing. Christian Bay

Managing Director Research Center Campus Additive.Innovations

Identification of key factors and drives for sustainability in AM

Neutral assessment of sustainability and promoting the results

Focus on specific AM aspects and comparison with all technologies and materialsโ€ฏ(categories)โ€ฏโ€‹

Cooperation, collaboration and exchange of experience

Execution of best practices and promoting themโ€ฏโ€‹


We commit to the following values: Transparency, Honesty, Openness, Neutrality

LCA Standards

Creating international standards with a common basis to evaluate sustainability and ecological impacts in AM

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