Working Group

Final report of Phase 1 for Approval in Rail to be published in October 2020

June 26, 2020

The working group Approval in Rail of our division MGA Mobility has reached a further important milestone

Final report of Phase 1 for Approval in Rail to be published in October 2020

The working group Approval in Rail of our division MGA Mobility has reached a further important milestone towards the approval of additively manufactured components for safety relevant railway applications. The findings of the first phase – the approval of an additively manufactured component in the railway sector at regional level – were compiled in a bilingual report which has now been completed.

Next step is the national approval of additively manufactured components. Currently expectable load-levels are under investigation.

The working progress will be presented in more detail at the MGA Annual Meeting 2020. The working group will present its current findings regarding the pilot-part for national approval (phase 2) and give first insights into the approach of a generic process qualification. In addition, attending members will receive a copy of the final report of phase 1 at the event.

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