• Gorden Falk – former chairman of the executive board of our network – an obituary

    With great sadness we inform about the loss of a great mentor full of energy and zeal for the topic of 3D printing.

    “Our trains must roll.” – this sentence was coined by the former chairman of the DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung and at that time Chairman of the Executive Board of Mobility goes Additive Gorden Falk. After a short but serious illness he passed away on Christmas 2023 at the age of 58. We remember a personality of great motivation and drive as well as an unforgettable supporter of Additive Manufacturing on the track and beyond. In him, we have lost a colleague who was held in high esteem both personally and professionally and who always supported and accompanied 3D printing and our network.

    3D printing was a passionate topic for him not only in his role as head of the DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung (train maintenance). Even before joining DB, Gorden Falk had developed a keen interest in the technology at the aircraft manufacturer Airbus.

    In 2019, he took over the position of Chairman of the Executive Board of Mobility goes Additive with great commitment until 2022. Under his aegis, MGA became significantly more international and focussed more strongly on SMEs. His support was essential when it came to obtaining quick, precise, and reliable answers in order to strategically align our network.

    Inspired certainly by his active involvement in the network, he paved the way for Additive Manufacturing in new trains in his last role at the Deutsche Bahn as project manager for the procurement of the next generation of high-speed trains.

    With specific specifications for additively manufactured components in the new train generations, he opened up extensive “Design for Additive” approaches and thus integrated Additive Manufacturing into the first stages of the value chain in the railway sector. As an innovative strategist, he was aware that the potential of 3D printing could be significantly increased in this way. This once again demonstrates his innovative strength and future-orientation.
    Our special condolences go to his family and loved ones in these difficult days. Gorden Falk will always be vividly remembered as a humorous, interested and people-oriented companion who will be dearly missed!