Dear members,
we are happy to have met so many of you two weeks ago at the AM Forum in Berlin! It is nice to see how far our network in the AM industry reaches and how (many) valuable contacts arise from it. But also beside the AM Forum there is a lot to report:
+++ย four new membersย +++ย New faces in the AM officeย +++ย Women in AM: a reviewย +++ย Results from the working groupsย +++
LINK3Dย is a software company based in the United States that develops additive workflow software to accelerate processes and achieve better machine utilisation.
Desktop Metalย has revolutionized the FDM process with its printers and made it accessible for metal printing.
Hirtenberger Engineered Surface, part of the Austria-based Hirtenberger Group, has developed a solution for the surface treatment of metallic printing components called Hirtisation.
Know-How Wilhelmsย is a print service provider based in Kรถnigs Wusterhausen near Berlin, which among other things specializes in powder deposition welding.
Welcome to the network and to a good cooperation!
Current overview of members:ย
A click on the logos leads you directly to the respective company homepages.
On 18.03. the working groupย Educationย met in Hamburg. They agreed on the further procedure regarding a jointly defined training model. In addition, the Fraunhofer IAPT presented its efforts in the context of the information days of the vocational schools, in the course of which interested teachers are to be inspired by the topic, who then hopefully pass this enthusiasm on to their vocational students. Appropriate dates are scheduled for June, and in future it will also be possible for other network partners outside Hamburg to implement them!
An official start has been made! On March 15, 2019 during theย AM Forum, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Deutsche Bahn, รBB, Trenitalia and SJ representing seven European railways at a press conference in which they committed themselves to cooperate intensively on AM topics for the printing of spare parts. The aim of the latest working groupย RAILiabilityย of Mobility goes Additive is the identification of technological applications, which show the AM market concrete fields of action and potentials. Many thanks to Uwe Fresenborg (DB), Daniela Chiappini (Trenitalia), Stefanie Brickwede (Mobility goes Addivite), Lars Lindberg (SJ) and Andreas Zwerger (รBB) – from left to right – for this public starting signal!
working group meetings
Approvalย April 9th, Hamburg
Lead:ย Maximilian Kunkel, Siemens AG
Educationย June 6th, Hamburg
Lead:ย Olaf Steinmeier, Fraunhofer IAPT
Digital Supply Chainย July 11th, Munich
Lead:ย Atanu Chaudhuri, Aaalborg University
Focus Group High-Performance-Polymers: April 9th, Rheinmรผnster
Lead:ย Dr. Tina Schlingmann, Deutsche Bahn AG
RAILiabilityย April, WebEx, May 6th, Rome
Lead:ย Felix Spiess, รBB
within the networkย ย ย ย
New faces in the Office
On the 1st of April, our staff changes and the office grows:ย Christoph Windusย as Office Manager takes care of all organizational issues.ย This allowsย Susanne Mertenย to concentrate on marketing and PR issues from now on. She will be supported by our new working studentย Natalie Jaglin. Our working studentย Osman Adanirย is quitting because he has almost made it: he is currently writing intensively for his Bachelor’s degree and will take more time to do so.
After almost three years in the network,ย Frieda Grippย wants to turn to other tasks in the Deutsche Bahn and leaves the office team.ย Arvidย will take over her part of the finances. Our many thanks go to all our companions and we look forward to working with our new ones!
newsย ย
Review AM Forum
On the day before the AM Forum (13.03.2019) more than 50 great women of the AM industry met at theย 1st European Summit for Women in AM.ย In the office of Mobility goes Additive e.V.ย we heard lectures by women for women: Signe Ratso, Deputy General commission for R&D of the European Commission, motivated everyone to pioneer additive manufacturing for industry 4.0, Kim Francois, Managing Director of Materialise China, gave insights into the world of additive manufacturing and its challenges in Asia, the Managing Director of Aidro hydraulics & 3D printing Valeria Tirelli inspired the participants with bionic use cases and Greta D’Angelo, Head of Technology of Amexci AB, gave practical impulses for the change management of an organization towards additive manufacturing processes. In an interactive session, Simone Dorenburg, Speaker Coach, gave everyone amazingly simple tips on rhetoric and body language. Insights into the event with its many opportunities for active networking can be foundย hereย in our members area. (Registration in the members area required).
Congratulations to Helmut-Schmidt University!
The Helmut Schmidt University of the German army! The team has won the tender for a study by the Federal Railway Authority to identify potentials in additive manufacturing in the German railway sector. A top-class advisory board, including Deutsche Bahn and Siemens, is providing support.
This week the biggest AM event in North America will take place. At the AMUG in Chicago many of our network members are present or even represented with exhibition stands. Our managing director Stefanie Brickwede will also be there.
further dates
inside the network
[is-login]23.05. – 24.05.2019 –ย advisory boardย meeting (not public)[/is-login]
outside the network
31.03 – 04.04.2019 –ย Between March and April the largest American AM conferenceAMUGย will take place in Chicago. There will also be a lecture from our network.
22.05. – 23.05.2019 –ย The German Assembly Congress (Deutscher Montagekongress) will take place for the 30th time in Fรผrstenfeldbruck near Munich. Under the titleย Intelligent technologies mastered safely, the lectures will focus on digitisation and automation, production and factory operation.ย
04.06. – 07.06.2019 –ย Every two years expert visitors meet at Messe Mรผnchen atย transport logistic,ย the leading trade fair for logistics, mobility, IT and supply chain management.
25.06.-26.06.2019 –ย At the AMI Conferenceย Composites in Rail, challenges and opportunities of composite materials in the railway sector will be evaluated and discussed.
16.09. – 17.09.2019ย –ย Appointment announcement:ย General Meeting & Annual Meeting 2019 of Mobility goes Additive e.V.
We would also be happy to draw attention to your special events. Please contactย our Teamand tell us what’s on your agenda. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon, maybe at one of the events, and we will be broadcasting until then.
Best regards, your
Mobility goes Additiveย Team