Kick-Off Fokusgruppe Medtech & OT

On 19 January 2023 in the time from 1:00-4:00 pm, the first physical meeting of the focus group will take place at our office in Berlin Mariendorf.

From development to manufacturing to testing and standardization, there are no limits on your creativity. In order to work together on solutions, you are kindly invited to actively contribute the topics, ideas or even problems and hurdles that concern you.
The aim of the working group will be to further connect the various players in medical technology, including implant manufacturing and orthopedic technology, and to jointly initiate new topics and develop solutions for current technical and regulatory hurdles. For this purpose, we have collected first profiles so that the participants of the group can get to know each other and their areas of expertise better.
Curious to learn more? Please contact Dr. Cora Lüders-Theuerkauf (Mail to Cora). We look forward to lively participation.

Survey to develop a map: AM in hospitals

We are currently creating a map with as many hospitals as possible in Germany and then Europe and worldwide to improve the exchange and knowledge of each other. So far, unfortunately, this is still a big dark hole.

If you are working in a hospital and are looking for a partner for a new AM project or want to know who is doing what with which technology and material, you can also be part of it.

We would be happy if you take the short minute to fill it out.
For the time being, the map will only be available in the members’ area of our website and will be made available to other clinic employees upon request.

AM Medical Days 2022

When we started our Medical division in 2019 it was already becoming more and more obvious that AM would play a major role in the medical sector in the future. So when we pitched our idea of an event solely focused on the applications of AM in that industry to IPM in 2020 they saw the potential and started planning the AM Medical Days. Last year the event format premiered in Berlin and even though the pandemic was still on everyone’s mind, the first ever AM Medical Days were a great success!

Fast forward to one year later, on October 19 & 20, the second edition of the congress for medical professionals, AM enthusiasts and experts opened its doors. It was an inspiring two and a half days – if you count the pre-event at Smart Living & Health Center, which we definitely do – filled with great presentations, exciting discussions, new topics and many use cases for AM in medicine.
Over 200 physical visitors and about 600 virtual participants, clearly show the upward trend of Additive Manufacturing in the medical sector – 3D Printing in medicine is no longer a niche topic! The variety of topics discussed on stage by experts from around the globe in front of an international audience was extensive: From point of care manufacturing in hospitals to new materials and 3D printing in pharmacy – there was something for everyone. And during the breaks the exhibition was filled with booths showcasing innovations as well as new products.
For us as a network, the AM Medical Days are a great opportunity to promote Additive Manufacturing in medicine and to show the immense possibilities of the technologies within this sector. We would like to thank IPM for organizing the AM Medical Days and are already looking forward to the next AM Medical Days in 2023.

MGA Medical Materials: BYOM Workshop

We all work with numerous materials in medicine, but what exactly do we know about them? And what are the technical and regulatory requirements using them for additive manufacturing? 
To close this gap, we are hosting the MGA-exclusive Bring Your Own Material workshop on December 7, 2022 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m – this time in English! 

What does the workshop offer?

  • Overview of AM-relevant materials
  • Guided expert rounds on material types
  • Individual and confidential expert consultations
  • Placement and discussion of your own use cases according to BYOM

What do participants bring with them?

  • Ideally a use case from your own environment and/or your own AM-relevant material, that we can inspect together 
  • Experience in professional handling of AM-relevant materials for medical devices

What else is important?

  • Venue: Mobility goes Additive e.V., Im Marienpark 22, 12107 Berlin,
  • Organizer: MGA Medical together with Expertants GmbH and Innovative Polymer Compounds (IPC)
  • Cost: €295 (MGA members) / €895 (external) plus VAT.
  • Included services: Drinks, hot lunch, workshop participation

Dr. Özlem Weiss (Expertants GmbH), Dr. Cora Lüders-Theuerkauf and Henrik Bjoerk (IPC) are looking forward to your active participation.

2 new Focus Groups for 2 MGA Medical Working Groups

Motivated by our successful workshop for orthopedic and medical technicians earlier this year, we want to hold on to this approach of specification. In order to promote an intensive and more in-depth exchange among interested parties on specific topics, we decided to emulate the structure of our MGA Mobility Working Group and launched two Focus Groups within the MGA Medical Working Groups Use Cases and Materials:

Working Group Use Cases: Focus Group “OT & Medtech”
In our new Focus Group “OT & Medtech” we will address questions all around the field of orthopedic and medical technology such as orthoses, prostheses and other medical technology applications and software. From development and manufacturing to testing and standardization, the field of potential topics is huge. Our aim is to discuss solutions, that are as relevant as possible for you. Therefore, we would be happy to have you contribute topics, ideas or even problems and hurdles that you are facing.

Working Group Materials: Focus Group “Analyses & Processing”
Environmental sustainability in AM is not just about saving material, but also about material reuse and recycling. We want to take a closer look at this exciting topic as part of our new “Analyses & Processing” Focus Group. Can materials for medical applications be recycled, and if so, how? What standards are applicable and necessary for this? What are the restrictions and possibilities? We would like to address all of these and many more questions together.

We already have our sights set on the first project: we want to join forces to investigate and test recycled and reused materials for specific use cases – and we are still looking for further collaborators. So, if you have components and/or materials that you could imagine for such a project, feel free to contact us already to save your place in the project!

MGA Medical Hospitals & Friends: Heart Valve Special

In order to get a little closer to the answer to these questions, the Hospitals working group under the direction of Dr. Cora Lüders-Theuerkauf is opening its doors to everyone who is interested and invites you to a virtual (Microsoft Teams Meeting) Heart Valves Special on

September 13, 2022
from 4:30 pm to 6:15 pm

We are pleased to welcome a number of specialists who will have closer look at the topic with us. Prof. Dr. Petra Mela (Chair of Medical Materials and Implants, TU Munich), Dr. Manuel Schaffner (founder of Spectroplast) and Alexander Breitenstein-Attach (German Heart Center Berlin) will give us exclusive insights into their work in interesting keynote presentations. We are also looking forward to a “Special within the Special” by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Dorweiler (Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Vascular Surgery, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Cologne University Hospital) – let us surprise you!

Prof. Dr. Petra Mela

Chair of Medical Materials and Implants, TU Munich

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Dorweiler

Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Vascular Surgery, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Cologne University Hospital

Alexander Breitenstein-Attach

German Heart Center Berlin

Dr. Manuel Schaffner

founder of Spectroplast

Update Working Group Use Cases

Despite unfavorable conditions thanks to Corona, we have made a first mark regarding regulatory frameworks in orthopedic technology with the workshop for orthopedic technicians – requirements for AM manufactured orthoses – on March 22.

The workshop was completely booked out, the interest was great. In addition to representatives from medical supply stores and orthopedic technology companies, representatives from the Berlin Chamber of Crafts and the DIN Institute were also present. We heard two fantastic presentations on experiences from the dental industry and regulatory requirements for AM manufactured medical devices. Everyone agreed on the importance of validated manufacturing processes in orthopedic technology and the need for communication regarding digitalization into the trade to create safety and minimize fears of new technologies. There is still a lot of work ahead of us, but we are well on our way to navigating the regulatory jungle.

Workshop für Orthopädie- und Medizintechniker | Thema: Anforderung an AM-gefertigte Orthesen und Prothesen

Innerhalb unseres Netzwerks nehmen die Prothetik und Orthetik einen immer größeren Stellenwert ein, da dort die meisten Anwendungen für den 3D-Druck zu finden sind. Das Interesse vieler Orthopädietechniker ist groß an dieser Technologie, die Anforderungen allerdings auch.

Deshalb veranstaltet unsere Arbeitsgruppe USE CASES unter Leitung von Dr. Cora Lüders-Theuerkauf am

22. März 2022
von 13.00 – 16.00 Uhr
in Berlin

als 2G+-Präsenzveranstaltung einen Workshop für Orthopädie- und Medizintechniker.

Thema des Workshops sind Anforderungen an AM-gefertigte Prothesen und Orthesen. Der Workshop richtet ich nicht nur an AM-Experten, sondern an alle Interessenten, die sich zukünftig ggf. mit der additiven Fertigung beschäftigen und diese nutzen möchten. Zur Zielgruppe gehören Handwerker, Orthopädietechniker sowie Medizintechniker aus Betrieben, Sanitätsfachgeschäften u.a. Die Berliner Handwerkskammer, das DIN-Institut sowie Vertreter der Landesinnung für Orthopädietechnik Berlin-Brandenburg sind auch mit an Bord.

Wir werden einen Impulsvortrag zu den Erfahrungen aus der Dentalbranche von Gregor Reischle, Experte für AM, hören und uns dann pro-aktiv an die Arbeit machen, um Standards, Normen etc. zu sammeln. Ziel ist es, eine Art Blaupause mit allgemeingültiger Vorgehensweise zu Testmethoden und Prüfverfahren zu entwickeln, die auch dem DIN-Institut für zukünftige Ausschüsse zur Verfügung gestellt werden kann.

Für mehr Informationen kontaktiert bitte Cora

AM Medical Days 2021 – Review and thank you

When we launched our Medical Division in 2019 many members had their doubts about this project – but since then AM in the medical sector has become more and more important. Which is why we thought it is high time for a conference that focuses solely on AM applications in that sector.

Luckily, with IPM we found a partner who believed in that idea as much as we did and with the support of the other founding partners, KUMOVIS, ottobock and the University hospital Basel, on November 22 & 23 the AM Medical Days took place for the first time at the Estrel Hotel in Berlin.

With MGA Medical largely responsible for setting the topics and the list of speakers, we were already expecting a lot from this conference, knowing that such esteemed speakers like Prof. Dr. Ute Schäfer from the Medical University Graz and Dr. Florian Thieringer from the University Hospital Basel would be on stage, but our expectations were exceeded by far: The AM Medical Days 2021 were two days full of examples of innovative AM applications in medicine and medical technology as well as interesting discussions with the expert guests. And to start it all there was a very nice evening reception at Ottobock, where Güngör Kara opened the window wide to digital transformation in orthopedic technology.

It was amazing to see that even during the current crisis it is possible to hold a save event and we were happy to meet so many physicians, hospital workers, medical technology manufacturers and representatives from regulatory authorities as well as health insurance companies and to talk about the technological shift towards additive medicine. And of course in the small exhibition it was also great to talk to AM solution providers, such as printer manufacturers, material suppliers and service providers.

A big thank you to IPM AG – Institute for Production Management, who once again did a wonderful job with this hybrid event and to all participants, especially to all physicians, who have taken time for this event despite the corona pandemic and the critical situation in the clinics. Together we are on the right way, we boost AM! And this was only the beginning, next year’s AM Medical Days will take place on October 19 & 20 in Berlin and will be even bigger and better.

Update Medical Division

Since the founding of our Medical Division in 2019, it has become more and more apparent that additive manufacturing and the medical industry are a perfect match. Under the leadership of Dr. Cora Lüders-Theuerkauf, Medical goes Additive has worked on many topics over the last two years and produced great results like the MDR decision tree.

Find out what happened in the division in the last weeks here:

Kick Off new working group Pharmaceutics

What a great start! On 28 October, the new working group Pharmaceutics was launched and representatives from Merck, Takeda, Körber, Uhlmann and Syntegon participated in. Two fantastic keynotes with different focuses on topics that are driving the pharma industry – drug development and the availability of spare parts – nevertheless highlighted the shared themes: AM needs to become more visible in pharma to show the added value for all stakeholders. Ideas and visions were listed and initial topics of focus for the next meetings were identified. All players in the value chain – material manufacturers, suppliers and pharmaceutical companies – are welcome to attend.

Working Group Hospitals

On 13 October, we had the pleasure of once again listening to Jonathan Morris in a virtual keynote on “Point of Care Manufacturing.” His almost never-ending repertoire of clinical use cases turns him into one of the pioneers of additive manufacturing in hospitals. His ideas for implementing additive manufacturing and demonstrating the real benefits for patients are now part of daily life at the Mayo Clinic. We in Germany also benefit from this expertise. Many thanks again to Jonathan!

Workshop Orthopedics

On 30 September, the first workshop for orthopedic and medical technicians took place within the MGA Medical Approval working group. 12 representatives from certified bodies, handicraft and orthopedic companies participated and exchanged experiences on the topic of “test procedures and test methods”. In the workshop, we opened Pandora’s box and identified so many topics that a series of workshops will now be established from them, starting in the Use Cases working group next year.