Working Group

Medical Materials

Which materials can be utilized for which applications to create the greatest possible product?

There are many different materials used in 3D printing, but not all of them fulfill the special requirements and regulations for medical applications, such as biocompatibility.

Compatible and durable materials are particularly important for products in medical device classes IIb and III, and the requirements are therefore high.

Max Siebert

Replique - A Chemovator Venture

Challenges and Chances

Defining the limitations, challenges and chances for suitable materials to several application fields

Implementing new guidelines

Implementing new guidelines, creating templates for materials, AM technology and medical devices

Overview of materials

Creating an overview of materials certified for medical purposes (ceramics, polymers, metals, new materials)

Mobility Working Group Materials

Cooperating with the Mobility Working Group Materials to exchange knowledge and experience

Analyses & Processing

Environmental sustainability in AM is not only about saving materials, but also about reusing them. Therefore, we take a closer look at this topic within the Focus Group โ€œAnalyses & Processingโ€. Can and may materials for medical applications be recycled, and if so, how? What standards are applicable and necessary for this? What restrictions and possibilities arise from this?