Network News 07/2019


Dear members

­after relaxing holidays, we now have zeroed in on the preparation of our Annual Meeting 2019 on 16 and 17 September. For all who haven’t booked a ticket yet, it’s worth planning soon! Despite the time of fairs in Berlin we were able to organize for reasonable hotel contingents, retrievable at the hotels until mid of August!
Moreover we fixed further interesting lectures for the mobility and medical stream which are announced further down.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]

New members

The Chromatic 3D Materials team includes material specialists. In Minnesota, USA, they develop the technology for printing with thermosets, a broad class of materials such as polyurethanes, silicones and epoxies. brings together promising start-ups and companies with projects in the field of digital technology. The company is working in coordination with its major customers from the Russian railway industry. ­
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­Annual Meeting 2019 – Speaker announcements ­

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­We are proud to share more highlights from the conference agenda of our Annual Meeting 2019 (16 and 17 September 2019) with you today:

  • Keynote by Philip Moslener of GE Transportation on printing spareparts for rail.
  • André Bialoscek from Bombardier Transportation is going to present use cases for suburban trains in the Mobility stream.
  • Carsten Mönicke (ottobock.) and Dr. Franziska Fuchs (EOS) explain their cooperation in improving orthopaedic aids in the Medical stream.

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AM for the environment – World Overshoot Day ­

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Earth Overshoot Day on 29 July marked the point in time in the year when mankind used up nature’s resource budget for an entire year. This means that we are currently using nature 1.75 times faster than the planet’s ecosystems can regenerate. This endangers the future security of our resources.

Additive manufacturing heavily contributes to making production more eco-friendly.

  • Minimization of the use of raw materials and waste during the production process due to material placement only where necessary
  • Reduction of energy consumption and emissions through the ability to update, repair and remanufacture (life cycle optimization) as well as lightweight construction
  • Recycling of materials (especially metal powder)
  • Environmental benefits for the supply chain through on-demand manufacturing and production near to the distribution location

Two examples of projects implemented in member companies:

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