Network News 04/2019

Dear members,

preparations for our Annual Meeting 2019 in September have begun. On 16 and 17 September 2019, we will meet in Berlin for the first time for two days: on the first day, the General Meeting, further modules and our evening event are planned; the second day will be filled with inspiring and varied lectures. As soon as there are more news and further information, you will be the first to know – until then, please kindly block both days!

Topics of the month:
+++ Kick-off Medical goes Additive +++ Review of AMUG visit to Chicago +++ Meeting with Singapore network NAMIC +++ News from Approval & Materials +++

First interim achievement for the Approval working group within Mobility: at the meeting on 9 April 2019 in Hamburg, the first safety-relevant, quality-tested component from the collaboration was presented – a huge success on the way to industrial maturity! As soon as the final reconcilliations have taken place, the suspension bracket can be installed directly and brought onto the track. Thanks to all involved for this great teamwork! Next planned act: involvement of the relevant approval authorities. We boost AM!
If you are interested more deeply in the group, please feel free to contact us or Maximilian Kunkel directly!

At the last meeting of the Materials working group within Mobility, the focus group Metal Examinations decided to jointly conduct a round robin test. Ten tension rods and 60 fatigue tests have already been printed and will be tested in the next step to investigate the influence of various parameters on the printing process.

working group meetings

RAILiability 06.05.2019, Rome
Lead: Felix Spiess, ÖBB

Approval 28.05.2019, Berlin
Lead: Maximilian Kunkel, Siemens Mobility

Education 06.06.2019, Berlin
Lead: Olaf Steinmeier, Fraunhofer IAPT

Digital Supply Chain 11.07.2019, Munich (tbc)
Lead: Atanu Chaudhuri, Aalborg University
within the network

Medical goes Additive Kick-off

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DB employee competition extended

Since March, Deutsche Bahn employees nationwide, especially in the production facilities, have been called upon to submit their proposals for printable parts. Developed and set up jointly with the support of the German Federal Armed Forces, this involves the targeted identification of spare parts as well as operating aids such as tools. More than 50 part proposals have already been submitted by corporate workforces – due to the great participation the competition is now being extended by one month to the end of May 2019.

Meeting with NAMIC

On 7 May 2019, Stefanie Brickwede will meet our future cooperation partner NAMIC in Singapore to sign a memorandum of understanding. The aim is to exchange information on the latest trends and developments in the European and Asian markets, but also to jointly establish and consolidate additive manufacturing in the respective areas.

Review of AMUG visit to Chicago

With well over 2,000 participants, the world’s largest user meeting Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) took place in Chicago at the beginning of April: exciting keynotes, discussions at eye level, meetings of various industries from Nescar manufacturers to animated film creatives. Stefanie Brickwede gave a presentation together with our network member 3YOURMIND and took many impressions for our network with her. In coordination with our cooperation partner IPM, these insights will be channelled into the ongoing development of the largest European user meeting, the Additive Manufacturing Forum in Berlin in March 2020.
further dates

inside the network
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outside the network

22.-23.05.2019 – In Fürstenfeldbruck near Munich, the German Assembly Congress (Deutscher Montagekongress) will take place for the 30th time. Under the title Intelligent technologies mastered safely the lectures will focus on digitisation and automation, production and factory operation.

04.-07.06.2019 – Every two years expert visitors meet at Messe München at transport logistic, the leading trade fair for logistics, mobility, IT and supply chain management.

25.-26.06.2019 – At the AMI Conference Composites in Rail, challenges and opportunities of composite materials in the railway sector will be evaluated and discussed.

16.-17.09.2019 – announcement: General Meeting & Annual Meeting 2019 of Mobility goes Additive e.V. in Berlin

We would also be happy to draw attention to your special events. Please contact our team and tell us what’s on your agenda. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon, maybe at one of the events, and we will be broadcasting until then.

Best regards,

Mobility goes Additive Team