AM Medical Days 2021 – Review and thank you

When we launched our Medical Division in 2019 many members had their doubts about this project – but since then AM in the medical sector has become more and more important. Which is why we thought it is high time for a conference that focuses solely on AM applications in that sector.

Luckily, with IPM we found a partner who believed in that idea as much as we did and with the support of the other founding partners, KUMOVIS, ottobock and the University hospital Basel, on November 22 & 23 the AM Medical Days took place for the first time at the Estrel Hotel in Berlin.

With MGA Medical largely responsible for setting the topics and the list of speakers, we were already expecting a lot from this conference, knowing that such esteemed speakers like Prof. Dr. Ute Schäfer from the Medical University Graz and Dr. Florian Thieringer from the University Hospital Basel would be on stage, but our expectations were exceeded by far: The AM Medical Days 2021 were two days full of examples of innovative AM applications in medicine and medical technology as well as interesting discussions with the expert guests. And to start it all there was a very nice evening reception at Ottobock, where Güngör Kara opened the window wide to digital transformation in orthopedic technology.

It was amazing to see that even during the current crisis it is possible to hold a save event and we were happy to meet so many physicians, hospital workers, medical technology manufacturers and representatives from regulatory authorities as well as health insurance companies and to talk about the technological shift towards additive medicine. And of course in the small exhibition it was also great to talk to AM solution providers, such as printer manufacturers, material suppliers and service providers.

A big thank you to IPM AG – Institute for Production Management, who once again did a wonderful job with this hybrid event and to all participants, especially to all physicians, who have taken time for this event despite the corona pandemic and the critical situation in the clinics. Together we are on the right way, we boost AM! And this was only the beginning, next year’s AM Medical Days will take place on October 19 & 20 in Berlin and will be even bigger and better.

Update Medical Division

Since the founding of our Medical Division in 2019, it has become more and more apparent that additive manufacturing and the medical industry are a perfect match. Under the leadership of Dr. Cora LĂĽders-Theuerkauf, Medical goes Additive has worked on many topics over the last two years and produced great results like the MDR decision tree.

Find out what happened in the division in the last weeks here:

Kick Off new working group Pharmaceutics

What a great start! On 28 October, the new working group Pharmaceutics was launched and representatives from Merck, Takeda, Körber, Uhlmann and Syntegon participated in. Two fantastic keynotes with different focuses on topics that are driving the pharma industry – drug development and the availability of spare parts – nevertheless highlighted the shared themes: AM needs to become more visible in pharma to show the added value for all stakeholders. Ideas and visions were listed and initial topics of focus for the next meetings were identified. All players in the value chain – material manufacturers, suppliers and pharmaceutical companies – are welcome to attend.

Working Group Hospitals

On 13 October, we had the pleasure of once again listening to Jonathan Morris in a virtual keynote on “Point of Care Manufacturing.” His almost never-ending repertoire of clinical use cases turns him into one of the pioneers of additive manufacturing in hospitals. His ideas for implementing additive manufacturing and demonstrating the real benefits for patients are now part of daily life at the Mayo Clinic. We in Germany also benefit from this expertise. Many thanks again to Jonathan!

Workshop Orthopedics

On 30 September, the first workshop for orthopedic and medical technicians took place within the MGA Medical Approval working group. 12 representatives from certified bodies, handicraft and orthopedic companies participated and exchanged experiences on the topic of “test procedures and test methods”. In the workshop, we opened Pandora’s box and identified so many topics that a series of workshops will now be established from them, starting in the Use Cases working group next year.

An update from our Materials working group

Anyone involved in Additive Manufacturing knows that there is no way around one topic: Materials. Therefore, it is no surprise that our Materials working group, headed by Dr. Tina Schlingmann (EOS), is still the largest cooperation within our network with more than 130 active participants. Here, representatives of more than 70 member companies pool their interests to understand market needs, discuss application-specific material properties or even identify individual material technology solutions.
Since the topic of materials as such is very broad, the working group has divided itself into 6 focus groups, each dealing with different aspects. Three of these focus groups have news to report in the past weeks:

Focus group Metals:

Prof. Kai Hilgenberg and Dr. Dirk Bettge from the German Federal Institute for Materials Testing and Research (BAM) have performed light microscopic and fractographic investigations on samples from the Round Robin Test (AlSi10Mg), which they would like to present to the network. Join the virtual meeting and learn more about the fracture behavior du especially the causes of fracture on November 05.
Furthermore we have a new member in the focus group: Tobias Stittgen (Ponticon) will support us in the lead from now on! – Tobias, we welcome you & are looking forward to your participation!

Focus Group Market Needs:

Innovative AM technologies increase machine output. To be able to map this increase in machine capacity across the entire process chain, it is at least as important to take a closer look at downstream post processing and develop the complete value chain. With the support of Florian KĂĽnne (Post Process Technologies), Markus GlaĂźer (EOS) and Benjamin Haas (SLM Solutions), the focus group discussed the relevant issues and challenges in a workshop.
Under the leadership of Benjamin Haas, the focus group also dealt with the cost drivers of Additive Manufacturing. Using a joint piece as an example, the potential of bionic design to reduce costs was specifically examined. Thanks to the support of Christian Potzernheim-Zenkel & Jörg Christian Steiner (Voestalpine) and Burghardt Klöden (Fraunhofer IFAM), the joint piece has now been manufactured in a total of three bionically optimized technologies.


Elastic Polymers (previously Elastomers):

The Elastic Polymers focus group was the initiator of the newly launched Materials Compass on WeBoostAM. Further materials have already been added by the focus group High Performance Polymers. Metallic materials will follow in the next step. We would like to thank Bart Engendahl (Chromatic 3D Materials) and Simon Treiber (BergerS2B) for their active support!

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