Our Annual Meeting and Women in AM Summit 2024

As the leading European network for industrial additive manufacturing, our goal is to boost AM and its implementation at an industrial level. We believe in the power of connection and knowledge sharing to jointly advance 3D printing technology.

That’s why we’re excited to invite you all – members and non-members – to our Annual Meeting 2024. It’s a fantastic chance for our member companies and anyone interested to meet up and learn about the latest industry developments. You can expect plenty of networking opportunities alongside informative talks, panel discussions, and workshops!

Event Details

Women in AM Summit Before we dive into the Annual Meeting on October 9th, we’ll kick things off with the Women in AM Summit on October 8th. Organized in cooperation with Women in 3D Printing, the summit provides a relaxed environment for networking, learning, and inspiration. You can look forward to insightful talks and unique activities like coaching sessions. From sustainability in 3D printing, customer excellence, and industry standards to the AM landscape in Europe and even fashion – there’ll be a mix of topics all approached from the female perspective. It’s a great opportunity for women in the industry to celebrate achievements, share knowledge, and foster mentorship among each other.

Annual Meeting 2024 On the afternoon of the 8th, we invite all of our guests to come together for the meetings of our Mobility and Medical divisions, which will offer a deep dive into sector-specific issues and innovations. After that, the biannual General Assembly takes place, where the board and our members will reflect on the achievements of the past year and set the agenda for the future. In the evening, we are happy to once again host the 3D Evening Event – come dance, drink & dine with us in the historic atmosphere of Marienpark! This evening is dedicated to networking – so share a drink, forge new connections, and discuss the latest trends in AM.

On the 9th, you can expect a day of presentations, panel discussions, and workshops on a wide range of topics, from cutting-edge technology in AM to its diverse applications across industries. In the Working Group Pitches, you’ll hear from the leaders of our Working Groups about their current projects and future plans, showcasing the collaborative efforts driving innovation within MGA. The Interactive Workshops offer practical insights and provide a great opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of AM.

Agenda Highlights at the Annual Meeting 2024

  • Dealing with China: Gain insights from an expert who established the European business for Farsoon, the largest Chinese 3D printing machine manufacturer. This session will explore the challenges and opportunities of working with China in the additive manufacturing space.
  • Focus on Defence: Learn about the integration of additive manufacturing in European armies’ technology roadmaps. Martin Huber from the European Defence Agency and a representative from Saab will discuss strategic goals and advancements in defence technology.
  • Political Panel: Follow a political panel featuring representatives from state, federal, and EU economic ministries and commissions, discussing the future directions and support for the additive manufacturing industry.

How to Attend? Head over to our website at MGA Events to grab your ticket today!

We look forward to seeing you there!

What is happening in our Working Groups?

Summer holidays are always a great time to relax and prepare for an exciting new period of events and developments in AM – and especially for the busy autumn with lots of events such as the EHFAM, our MGA Annual Meeting, the InnoTrans and Formnext waiting just around the corner. At MGA, we couldn’t let a month go by without a little chat with our members to share insights on our Working Groups’ current topics. Our dedicated Working Group members work hard to achieve exciting results to advance our industry.

So, let’s see what they have been up to and what’s on their agenda:


August 7th and 28th

Digital Supply Chain

Digital Supply Chain (DSC), our most digital Working Group, began by mapping out the supply chain and addressing special requirements for Use Cases. Currently, we are developing a comprehensive and holistic AM-Decision-Tree to help companies implement AM correctly and identify solutions and services that fit their specific situations and challenges.

To make user stories conclusions visible in our AM-Decision-Tree, we will be meeting twice in the month of August to implement the necessary adjustments as more and more steps of the production process are being digitalized in the conventional supply chains.


August 20th


After our June meeting in Paris at the SNCF, the seven European rail companies members of MGA are meeting again virtually this August. We have already printed ten-thousands spare parts for their rolling stock. One of the goals of the RAILiability Working Group is to provide a constant increase in the exchange of 3D-printed spare parts between users.

This month’s meeting will follow up on our efforts in developing use cases, materials, and technologies that enable new applications in the market.


August 21st


There is no way around one of the biggest players in the medical sector when it comes to implementing AM in the daily business. Which is why we initiated the Hospitals Working Group, focused on the needs of physicians, nurses, technicians and the administrations of Hospitals around the globe. In the coming meeting, the team leads will provide an update on the current status of the multicentre study, including data collection progress, preliminary findings, and any challenges encountered. The discussion will also cover strategies for enhancing collaboration between the participating centres and plans for future phases of the study, such as expanding the pool of participating hospitals or adjusting methodologies based on early insights.


August 26th

Approval in Rail

Several years ago, the Working Group Approval obtained official approval from German state authorities for the first safety-relevant component for a rail traffic system.

Now, we are heading for approval at the European level to raise awareness among the authorities and are happy to announce that we are about to reach our expected result. Parallelly, we are working on creating a guideline for the computational verification of PBF/LB-parts in the DIGIZug3D Project.

We will be meeting again this August to finalize the last steps of the approval procedure.


August 27th


The pharmaceutical industry is one of the few sectors already using AM in various capacities: from printing spare parts for machines to printing format parts and even printing medicine – the potential is huge. It therefore makes sense to offer pharmaceutical companies and their suppliers a neutral ground to further develop the impact of AM in pharmaceutics. This next meeting will focus on evaluating potential new projects within the pharmaceutics division. The team will consider various options, weighing factors such as market demand, innovation potential, and resource allocation. The goal is to identify and prioritize the most promising projects for future development.


August 28th

Medical Approval

Approval processes in the Medical field – whether for materials, parts or processes – are even more complicated than in other industry fields. Which we as patients are grateful for, but as providers and users of AM find more than just a small challenge. That is why our Medical Approval Working Group divides the workload and for example jointly tackles the Medical Device Regulation (MDR). In the coming meeting, we will review and discuss the latest updates regarding the MDR Annex I and Annex II. We will cover regulatory changes, compliance issues, and any new guidelines or standards being introduced. Participants will also be able to address any outstanding questions or concerns and ensure alignment on the next steps for implementation or further development.


September 2nd


The defence sector is on everyone’s mind at the moment, given the numerous global crises happening at the moment. More and more AM companies are involving themselves in printing for military endeavours, but gaining a foot in and understanding the industry is challenging. After a successful workshop as well as two in-person meetings focusing for example on legal aspects of AM in defence, our Working Group is meeting next to discuss the future topics and projects. Get involved now to pitch your ideas, projects and specific needs! There will also be a discussion on the next in-person meeting at the end of the year at a global defence player. We will be leaving room for private discussions after the meeting.


September 3rd


Our Aero + Space Working Group meetings are dedicated to aviation and aerospace manufacturing. While in the past, those meetings were strictly theoretical, we are now offering the chance to take a look behind the curtains at one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world: come and join us at Airbus in Stade, including a tour of the Airbus production line, a visit to the 3DHub Lab and insights into Additive Manufacturing at the CTC GmbH and Airbus. The deadline for registration is August 16th, you can confirm your attendance by contacting Linus Tillmann. We look forward to meeting you at Airbus!


September 5th

Ecological Sustainability

Ecological Sustainability worked on a white paper to answer the most common questions: where and why 3D printing is sustainable. We also invite keynote speakers to our Working Group to present their latest innovations in the sustainability field.

This August we will continue our discussion in a virtual meeting, to proceed with our scouting for the next Working Group project to develop. You can contact Jan Dittmann if you would like to join us for a greener future!