Two Years Medical goes Additive

The Annual Meeting on September 16 & 17, 2019 was not only the first time we gathered in front of the backdrop of the Brewdog Brewery, but also marked the first Annual Meeting with a separate Medical Track.

Since then, our Medical Division, led by Dr. Cora Lüders-Theuerkauf, has been growing steadily and now works in four separate working groups:

Materials, led by Dr. Özlem Weiß (Expertants GmbH), provides insight into the materials jungle through informative guest contributions from a wide range of experts and interviews with industry representatives. In addition, the group trains interested parties on existing standards (e.g. . ISO 10993) and, together with the Mobility working group Materials, populates the WeBoostAM knowledge base.

The Approval working group already has a workshop in December 2019 on MDR, DRG, inclusion of AM manufactured medical devices in health insurance catalogs, and liability issues. Led by Simon Schlagintweit (TÜV Süd), a decision tree on Annex VIII of the MDR (risk classes) has since been developed and during the working group meetings with exciting keynotes on approval issues, including UK MDR.

Specifically in light of the Corona pandemic, the Use Cases working group rose above and launched the “3D printing fights Corona” initiative. The highlight of this initiative was the fundraising campaign in which more than 5,000 face shields were handed over to Johanniter Unfallhilfe. Currently, the focus of the work is on development aid while the meetings are still characterized by highlighting new application fields of AM in medicine through keynotes.

In January 2021, a fourth working group was initiated: At the first Hospitals meeting, we welcomed 34 participants from 6 nations. Members of this working group are engaged in discussions on quality management, and workshop on “make or buy”, SOPs and QM are also scheduled for summer 2021. The next meeting will take place under the title Change Management.

But this is far from the end of our Medical Division: we are planning the next working group with Pharmaceuticals for fall 2021.

Many thanks to all involved in our Medical Division, we are looking forward to the coming successful years!

Joint presentation of the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region @formnext 2021, November 16 – 19, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

As the world’s leading international trade fair for additive manufacturing processes and industrial 3D printing, it attracts more and more exhibitors from diverse industrial sectors to its halls every year.

Berlin Partner for Business and Technology has once again been entrusted by the Senate to organize the joint presentation – financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the State of Berlin – and is organizing it in cooperation with the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Priority is given to interested companies, scientific institutions and networks from the states of Berlin and Brandenburg to participate in a cost-effective manner in an attractive setting. Beyond that however a participation from other federal states under the umbrella of the capital region is also possible.

Registration forms and conditions of participation with all important information for your trade fair participation can be found on the Berlin Partner website ( . If you are interested in participating from other German states, please contact them briefly before registering.

We continue to follow the events surrounding Covid-19 very closely and hope that by the time formnext is held in November 2021, circumstances will have developed in such a way that we can physically carry out the activities as planned.
Should anything change in the planning, Berlin Partner will of course inform you at any time with reasonable advance notice.


Olav Morales
Project Manager Trade Fairs | Events Division
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology GmbH
Phone: 030 / 46302-454
Mobile: 0174 / 9399441

AM Solutions – New live event series „inside AM“

Additive Manufacturing replaces numerous traditional manufacturing processes, facilitates the development of new products and business models and helps establish new value-added and supply chains. Are these claims about the possibilities of Additive Manufacturing real, and in which industries have they already been successfully implemented? What is really feasible, to what extent are businesses already using 3D printing, and what is the driving force behind this development? AM Solutions shines a light on these and other interesting questions in its six-part live event series “inside AM”. In this series, representatives from renowned companies, active in different industrial sectors, will provide a valuable behind the scenes glimpse and report about their experience, applications, visions and obstacles that must be overcome.

Design freedom, light-weight construction, efficient resource utilization, cost and time savings, these are some of the keywords that are frequently expressed in conjunction with Additive Manufacturing (AM). Add to this the potential effects on established logistical systems, the need for personnel to drop traditional engineering philosophies and the potential to individualize products and adapting them to the wishes and requirements of the consumers to an extent, so far thought impossible. Does this mean that Additive Manufacturing is changing the world? Are these things really true, and what is the actual situation in the field of AM? How, and in which industries, are 3D printing technologies already used? And what is still just a vision? With its new interactive live series “inside AM” AM Solutions – 3D post processing technology, a brand of the Rösler Group that specializes on 3D post processing solutions, will answer many of your questions. It provides not only valuable information for the actual users of the 3D printing method but also for anybody interested in new technologies.


Interactive platform that offers valuable behind the scenes information

The live-streams are conducted in English and are accessible from anywhere in the world. Representatives from renowned companies, active in such diverse industries as medical engineering, aerospace, energy, automotive/motor sports and consumer products, will report about their experience with AM and will highlight the various aspects of this new manufacturing technology. Under the moderation of Georg Schöpf, editor-in-chief of a well-known AM magazine, the participants will provide valuable behind the scenes insights and will report on the actual status of Additive Manufacturing in their respective industrial sector and company. The interactive format of this event allows viewers from all over the world to participate in the conversation and pose their questions live to the respective participants. The event is broadcast live from the new Customer Experience Center of AM Solutions. Manuel Laux, Head of AM Solutions – 3D post processing technology, explains: „Anybody, who deals with the subject Additive Manufacturing, is probably overwhelmed by reports about the numerous innovative applications of this technology. With our interesting interactive event, we, jointly with our guests, want to shine a light on the question ‘Additive Manufacturing changes the world. Is this just a vision or already real?’ and provide information on the actual situation”.


Formula One and Sauber Engineering in the pole position

Guest at our first event is Christoph Hansen, Director Technology & Innovation at Sauber Engineering AG, a member of the Swiss Sauber Group. Internationally, this company is not only known through the Sauber-operated Formula One team, Alfa Romeo Racing ORLEN. The origins of the company stem from the demand to make racing cars faster, lighter and more reliable. Sauber  tackled these challenging problems with Additive Manufacturing and, today, can be truly called a pioneer in this field. Christoph Hansen comments: „When AM Solutions presented this new discussion concept to me, I immediately liked the idea to look at Additive Manufacturing from different angles and from the view of different industries. It is honest and informative. I look forward to report to the viewers, how we started exploring the possibilities of AM, and how we expanded the use of this manufacturing technology beyond just the Formula One racing cars”.

The live stream with Christoph Hansen will be broadcast on Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 3.00 PM (CET). Viewers can register free-of-charge under The subsequent online live events will take place once per month. Exact dates and time will be communicated in due time. For the time being the participants of the next events are still kept a secret by the event organizers.


Another benefit of membership: 3DWASH free of charge for MGA members

3DWASH was specially developed for washing out alkali-soluble support materials that are frequently used in additive manufacturing (extrusion or FDM® printing processes). The lye, which is already successfully in use by some MGA members, is characterized by a low environmental impact, as it is neutralized only with water instead of acid and offers significantly higher work safety in handling due to its low pH value. A special, patented formulation is gentle for fine model structures and post processes remain unchanged due to the same application quantities and processing temperatures. MGA members can obtain 3DWASH free of charge, excluding shipping costs, directly from Traxer ( or from Krumm-Tec in Endingen. 3DWASH is available in 9 languages (de, en, fr, cs, nl, pt, it, es, sv). Up-to-date safety data sheets are available.